豪生品牌是由企业家豪生先生于1925年在美国麻省创立。当时的豪生先生通过在一家小卖店内设立的冰淇淋专柜,出售他发明的一种口感极好的冰淇淋。豪生先生在昆斯市开了第一家餐厅; 到1939年,豪生的餐厅发展到了107家。1954年在美国乔治亚州沙凡那市建立第一家豪生酒店。1961年豪生上市,在33个州及巴哈马拥有88家酒店和605家餐厅。1975年, 豪生的规模发展到拥有1000多家餐厅和500多家酒店。1990年,豪生被温德姆收购,豪生逐渐发展成为专业经营中高档酒店的全美最佳品牌公司之一。1993年豪生酒店继续扩张,开始了国际化经营,后来形成了豪生国际酒店。
Howard Johnson Bran d was founded by entrepreneur Howard D. Johnson as an ice cream stan d within an apothecary shop in 1925, in Massachusetts, United States. First restaurant was established in Quincy;by 1939, 107 restaurants were established. In 1954, the first Howard Johnson hotel opened in Savannah, Georgia, USA. In 1961, the Howard Johnson Company went public with 88 franchised Howard Johnson hotels in 33 states an d the Bahamas an d 605 restaurants operated in the Country. By 1975, 1000 restaurants an d 500 hotels were built. In 1990, the company is acquired by Wyndham Corporation. Howard Johnson reestablished itself as top-tier hotel management company. In 1993, Howard Johnson began to expan d its operation internationally, hence the name, Howard Johnson International.
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